Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Writing Wedding Vows is Like Putting Money in the Bank!

Wedding or commitment vows are for the purpose of creating dreams that give a couple passion for life and each other, according to Linda Bardes, ‘The Wedding Vow Coach’

The reason a couple writes their own personal wedding or commitment vows is to create an opportunity to sit down together and have what may well be the most important conversation the couple could ever have in their entire married life.

What I’m asking you to do is take a little time to create a mental picture of the life you want to lead. I want you to dream the biggest dream you can think of then deposit that into the treasury of your subconscious mind to create a Law of Attraction.

By talking about money and sex, careers, children , in-laws, religion or spirituality, houses and cars, travel, food, health, and philanthropy or any aspect of their marriage that will be of importance in the next 5-10 years, you will begin to infuse that dream into what could be called the operating system of your lives.

As you talk about the dream write it down on paper. This is for the purpose of getting it out and down on paper.

The dream is not the vows. The vows are a result of the dream. The vows are the promises you make to each other saying what each of you will do to keep that dream alive.”

I want you to be so inspired by the dream or vision you have of your life together that you will be willing to invest attention on making daily deposits into the emotional bank account of your marriage. Because, sooner or later you will have some challenges and if the bank account of your marriage is empty there will be nothing to draw on.”

Another aspect of writing vows that is is equally important is revisiting the vows.

When the ceremony is over, you are not finished with your vows. The power is in repeating those vows over and over and over again. Just like a pianist practices a symphony until it is installed in memory, so you will continues to review your vows every day until those vows becomes the chief operating system of your lives.

Sometimes you will read those vows alone and other times together. By reading them together you open doors for conversation. That way no problem or situation ever gets so completely off tract that you forget what the real problem is.

When you install your dream into your mind and your body so that it becomes a way of life, through the Law of Attraction everything you need to support your dream–the people, things, opportunities, ideas, and experiences–will show up almost effortlessly. Like a miracle.”

Indeed, you could call your vows a one-page-miracle because of the spiritual and emotional power infused in them.

I don’t want to tell you that there won’t be challenges. But if you keeps the vision or dream alive and vital, investing small amounts of physical and emotional currency, the marriage doesn’t have to be hard work. Intimacy thrives.

Reading those vows and putting attention on the little things, like saying ‘I love you’ every day, praising and complimenting each other often, never going to bed angry, holding hands for one minute every day, reading the vows every day, writing little notes, are all currency that will pay big dividends.”

You can find out more about Rev. Bardes and her work around writing wedding or commitment vows by following this link. or click on sign up on right.

Love, light and laughter,

Rev. Linda, The Weddng Vow Coach

Helping couples write down the dream and then live it!

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