Thursday, October 9, 2008

Writing Wedding Vows--It's Wake Up Time for Your Cells

In case you thought I was joking about biochemistry and how it drives our lives and how by writing your own wedding vows and continuing to review those vows on a regular basis you can actually affect and sustain the level of intimacy in your relationship, I am adding a little copy that came in an Email from Joe Vitale. He is promoting the book, Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton.

“The Biology of Belief” will forever change how you think about your own thinking. Stunning new scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain’s functioning show that all the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts.

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., a renowned cell biologist, describes the precise molecular pathways through which this occurs. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species.

And writing your own personal wedding or commitment vows!

The line to pay attention to is the line ” all the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts.”

Remember that silly song, “Every little cell of my body is happy. Every little cell of my body is fine?” You can wake up your cells, introduce some positive affirmations (your wedding or commitment vows) and permanently live the life you have imagined.

I am suggesting that you write your wedding or commitment vows as a result of a shared conversation. Talk about your life together and visit aspects of your marriage or partnership, such as money, sex, family, careers, houses, cars, etc. Get emotional, exaggerate your dream.

What you are doing is energizing, entertaining and installing an actual physical chemical pattern. When you continue to revisit and reinvigorate that pattern by rereading your vows over and over and over and over again eventually it becomes permanent. At some point, just like learning to play the piano, you will have committed that pattern to memory and you will be playing, or living, it with ease.

I am asking you to consciously give voice to a dream or vivid vision that you pledge or promise to support in your vows and then continue to review those vows over and over and over and over.

In your case you are not so much trying to change your thoughts as to take the passion and persistence that you arrived at in your relationship and maintain it, heighten it and expand it in beautiful and measurable ways that then becomes your every day experience. With ease. That’s what I mean about your vows affecting your biochemistry.

This is incredible stuff.

As Jeff Herrick, the Article Guy says, “Go use this stuff!” (GUTS)

Here’s a link to my Ebook, THE SECRET LIFE OF WEDDING VOWS. This will help you get that cell transforming dream down on paper. Check out the blog for lots more articles.

Love, light and laughter,
Rev. Linda, The Wedding Vow Coach
Helping couples write down the dream and then live it!

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