Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wedding Vows-10 Commandments of Marriage

An important aspect of my innovative and unique philosophy around writing wedding or commitment vows is that you have got to find a way to keep those vows alive and thriving right from the beginning.

Because I believe if you attend to the little things right from the start your marriage or partnership does not have to be hard. You will have attended to things as they come up, settled your differences, and moved on.

One way to keep your marriage or partnership thriving and intimate is to keep the dream you have for your marriage alive and in front of you.

Ten ways to do that is by following the 10 Commandments of Marriage. I wrote those commandments about 2 1/2 years ago for a wedding ceremony I officiated at.

1. Honor yourself: When you hold yourself high with integrity and self respect and never compromise your values you can trust each other absolutely. It’s the basis for everything else that defines your life and your marriage.

2. Honor each other: Do not hesitate to see more in each other than what is presented at face value. Look deep. People tend to live up to our expectations of them.

3. Have powerful dreams and goals–for yourself, each other, and the marriage: You need dreams to keep you truly alive and vital. They help you create passion; for life and for each other.

4. Read your vows every day: Sometimes you read your vows by yourself. At least once a week read them together. This keeps the dream alive and in front of you and gives you a wonderful opportunity for conversation.

5. Say “Thank you” and “I Love You” every day: Say ‘I Love You’ to each other every day; find a way to show appreciation to people you love and people who give you service. This also includes clerks, salespeople, wait staff, people who hold doors open, people who let you in traffic, etc. “Thank you,’ is Universal currency that pays BIG dividends.

6. Do little things for each other: Do not wait to be asked. Anticipate opportunities to show your partner that you are thinking of their well-being. This is a fabulous intimacy building strategy.

7. Never go to bed angry with each other: Because talking it out will save you time, energy and mistakes the next day.

8. Listen to each other: What you give your attention to grows. It doesn’t matter if it’s a plant, a bank account, your marriage, or your children.

9. Focus the solution and not the problem: Look at the problem only long enough to understand it. Then focus on the solution. When you focus on the solution, ideas and opportunities will present themselves in unusual and magical ways.

10. Lighten up and laugh often–especially at yourself!

You can download a beautiful frameable copy of this with graphics at This is totally free. That means that you will not even have to leave your Email address because this is my gift to you!

Love, light and laughter,

Rev. Linda Bardes

The Wedding Vow Coach

Helping couples write down the dream and then live it!

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