Friday, March 6, 2009

Writing Wedding Vows-How to Give the Perfect Smooch!

When writing wedding vows maybe it would be a good idea to promise to ‘practice kissing every day.’ Not just a little peck on the check, or a brush of the lips, but the real endorphin popping smooch!

Because studies on kissing have unlocked the secret behind that perfect smooch. And it begins with the chemistry.

A passionate snog sets off a chain reaction, releasing sexually-charged hormones and pheromones into the brain. The whole brain (and body) is involved.

Psychology professor Wendy Hill, of Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, said: “We tend to think about who we are kissing and how it feels, but there are a lot of other things happening.

“This study shows that kissing is more complex and causes hormonal changes that we never thought occurred.”

Scientific research has led experts to believe pheromones exist in our saliva, giving off unconscious signals that boost human arousal. Which is why we see those women on The Bachelor engaging in passionate kissing a lot.

They know what they are doing. Science is finally catching up and explaining it in rather dull terms but what it’s all about is keeping your relationship alive and passionate and thriving.

This is not a joke. Not by a long shot, because one of the 2 biggest reasons couples give for that 50% divorce rate is sex. Or lack of it.

I’m asking you to be very mindful about those hormones. In a previous article I wrote about how we trigger hormones just by touching and doing little things for each other.

I’m all about using nature to do a lot of the relationship work!

I want you to keep on training your cells to get into the habit of feeling good about each other.

I want you to have such a bond with each other that just being in the same room makes you feel good.

I want you to get so used to doing the little things that the big things take care of themselves.

In the morning going off to work is probably not the best time for that long, wet, passionate kiss. Choose your time. But every day I want you to put into your relationship bank account one big, long, sloppy kiss!

What happens after that is up to you.

Laugh about this article if you want but I’m right on serious about it.

You’ve got to keep the intimacy alive, and you’ve got to be mindful about that. Which is why I say that it’s the little things that will make or break your relationship.

You’ve got to practice, practice, practice the little things until they become the big things and everything else is easily put into perspective and handled when they show up.

Not two months later when there is no touching, no kissing, and you are angry about everything except what you started out being angry about.

Write it into your vows: “I promise to give you a big, sloppy, passionate kiss every day of our life we are together!”

Would you believe it . . . there are kissing schools. You might want to check into it to see if there is something you’ve missed!

Don’t forget to sign up for the RSS feeds to keep on getting all this good stuff. After all, who else is going to tell you that you have to keep on smooching.

Visit the main page to learn more about writing wedding vows if you’re still in the ‘before the ceremony’ planning stage. There’s also good stuff on the Wedding Vow blog.

Keep on kissing.

Love, light and laughter,

Rev. Linda Bardes, The Wedding Vow Coach

Helping couples write down the dream and then live it!

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